Awesome news!

Thank you for thinking of being involved with Table7. We are looking forward to meeting you - like really - we love meeting new people all the time.

There are different ways you can be involved that are described here, though if you just want to have a chat, our coms channels are always open so never hesitate to drop us a message.

  • We do not believe that we should organize dinner in neighborhood that we don't personally live in. We're aiming to build a network of people and places who share our mission.

    Do you want to contribute and organize a dinner in your neighborhood? Reach out, we'd love to meet you and bring you along!

  • Table7 is about popping the bubble, hence to avoid for Table7 to become a community of people that look, think, breathe like us our invitation process for the dinners only happens in real life, offline, in your neighborhood.

    You can find invitations in bike shops, bakery, bars, library, etc. Talk to the people in your neighborhood and ask for the Table7 invitation.

    If you want to know if a dinner happens soon in your neighborhood, send us an email or dm us on instagram.

  • Table7 so far has been fully self-funded. The dinners will always remain free and we make a big deal of finding other ways to make it work. Here are how you can help us:


    We're looking for funds to:

    • Help us sustain the operational costs.

    • Pay the artists and designers who work on the invitations and communication materials.

    • Offer a money pool to the neighborhood hosts to help them organize those dinners themselves.


    • Food or drinks your can offer for the dinner (it's a dinner for 7 peeps so not too much is needed even if hungry munchkins show up!)

    • Opening up your place to organize the dinners. (We've add bakeries, shops...)

    • Help us pop our bubble by sharing about Table7 in your own community and network